Here are some "Point of Peace Messages from The Ascended Realms" from Full-Trance Channel Dawn Katar (all rights reserved)
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Would it bring you Peace to know that the Light in the tunnel of darkness is not a train heading for you? Could you surrender the belief that the Light is outside of you? What you see in the tunnel is the mirror of your Being. The closer you get to it, the brighter the reflection. Ta-dah! Enjoy the Peace of remembering that the darkness is the illusion. Ascended Master Saint Germain
Do you feel Peace in every breath? It is often a matter of practice. When it is important enough to you, you will practice receiving peace. Practice calling it into your breath. So simple.
Ariana, Goddess of Truth
Within every seed there is a Point of Peace. It is the space that created the seed to form. It is the space that creates the seed to grow. Whether the seed reaches full maturity does not measure the amount of Peace that is present for the seed. Remember this when you feel that something in your manifest world does not seem to mature to the ripeness, the destiny you have imagined. There is full Peace within it all.
Gaia, Mother Earth
Look deep within your heart and connect with your Three-Fold Flame. From this place of awareness, expand the Light to fill your body and your mind. Use this connection with your sacred I AM source to decree Peace to circumstances and expressions in your world. You must become familiar with this energy and allow it to launch all your thoughts and desires into the world. Peace is at cause for all good outcome.
Ascended Master El Morya
Laugh out loud! Peace is a path with many giggles and grins. With only your ability to smile you can create the Peace you seek in your life and in the world. Ascended Master Tsen Tsing of the Council
Today is the perfect day to remember that you can pack peace in your pocket, your purse, your suitcase to have handy wherever you go. When your daily travels feel stressful, just pull that peace package out and hold it to your heart. It cannot be confiscated at any checkpoint of your life. Don't believe anyone has the power to take it away from you. Archangel Uriel
Do you feel Peace in every breath? It is often a matter of practice. When it is important enough to you, you will practice receiving peace. Practice calling it into your breath. So simple.
Ariana, Goddess of Truth
Within every seed there is a Point of Peace. It is the space that created the seed to form. It is the space that creates the seed to grow. Whether the seed reaches full maturity does not measure the amount of Peace that is present for the seed. Remember this when you feel that something in your manifest world does not seem to mature to the ripeness, the destiny you have imagined. There is full Peace within it all.
Gaia, Mother Earth
Look deep within your heart and connect with your Three-Fold Flame. From this place of awareness, expand the Light to fill your body and your mind. Use this connection with your sacred I AM source to decree Peace to circumstances and expressions in your world. You must become familiar with this energy and allow it to launch all your thoughts and desires into the world. Peace is at cause for all good outcome.
Ascended Master El Morya
Laugh out loud! Peace is a path with many giggles and grins. With only your ability to smile you can create the Peace you seek in your life and in the world. Ascended Master Tsen Tsing of the Council
Today is the perfect day to remember that you can pack peace in your pocket, your purse, your suitcase to have handy wherever you go. When your daily travels feel stressful, just pull that peace package out and hold it to your heart. It cannot be confiscated at any checkpoint of your life. Don't believe anyone has the power to take it away from you. Archangel Uriel