A Discourse from Saint Germain through Dawn Katar 4/29/20
Facts, Lies, Myths, Truths
"Since before humans could talk or communicate with little more than grunts and pointing, there have been debates and stories about what is thought to be true. Science is a source of facts for many people. Science has changed its stories and facts countless times, as scientists discovered things beyond previous ideas and experiences. Remember bloodletting and drilling holes in people’s heads? Shamans and religious leaders throughout time have been a source of truths for many people. Remember human sacrifice to appease the gods? As science and spiritual understanding have crossed paths, sometimes each is vindicated from having been perceived as less than provable reality. Quantum physics now backs up what many spiritual teachings have offered as truth.
So, what is my point? I hear many today saying “Such and such has been proven to be false.” Many are saying that others believing a different version of science or truth from theirs are either lying or misguided. Here they are pointing at one another with their judgements. “You are a fool to believe that!” “You are not informed!” “You must get your story from: (pick one or many) fake news, main-stream media, satirical sources, bots and propagandists with evil intentions…”
Do the research if you must. Tell the world your findings if you must. Choose your battles or not. Do you desire to be right? Do you fear being in the wrong camp of information and truth? This is a perfect time to recognize that by screaming to the world that ‘they’ must see and understand your discovery of truth will do nothing more than disturb your own peace and promote division. The result for those that are choosing camps is probably going to be unpleasant. Someone will take charge of the discord and screaming. Someone will take power and control of circumstances. All this places everyone in the opportunity to face how mythical their lives are.
Many of the world’s most revered scientist have lived a life in search of more than the obvious through their mystical perspectives and practices. Most revered scientists have not shouted to others how wrong they have been. Rather, they have proposed theories and new visions. This is also what the spiritual mystics and philosophers have done throughout the ages – propose new thought and perspectives.
Frustrated with how some see their world? Their own lives and purpose? Their choices? Stop screaming at them. Sure, most do not literally scream at others. They use social media, vent their frustration in their mind or with someone who might either agree or at least, not judge. Most will create opportunities to more quietly debate, point fingers and judge. Frustrated with your own limitations? Frustration can be a catalyst for deep healing, transformation and shifting of the stories one listens to and tells the world.
We recommend that you cease the internal and external screaming about facts, lies, etc. Find stillness so that you are invited by your greater nature to discover new ways of perceiving and breakthrough visions.
It is grand to feel your frustrations, your anger and your grief. It is not so grand in a personal way to believe that these are REAL TRUTH. These feelings are real but must not define you. Observe them, acknowledge them, breathe light into all of it. And thus, I lead you to remember that you have been taught to choose the I Am words consciously. We urge to clear the habits of saying “I am frustrated (or angry or sad).” To express more in alignment with an intention to heal you might say “I feel frustrated (angry, sad, etc.)”. This is a start for many to back away from blaming.
Learn to play the game of life. Since you have chosen to be embodied in a particular time, place and social experience, you have a few options. Deny your involvement with it and isolate into a monastic, self-sufficient life. Fight the society of your choice as its victim. Be aware of who you are and play according to the flow of life. One might think that this third option is the easiest, but I assure you it is delightfully challenging. As a great teacher has said, “Be in the world but not of the world.”
We shall remind you that facts are not truth. Truth is simpler than an assertion that an understanding and/or belief is a justifiable and provable truth. Oh, did I just hear someone say, “Truth doesn’t need to be proved. It is a matter of faith” Well, my dear ones, THAT is a discussion for another time. Faith? Hmmm."
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Dawn Katar is a truly gifted, full-trance channel for The Ascended Realms. With over 40 years of experience, countless presentations and private consultations, Dawn's consistency and clarity have been proven to be astounding. Dawn first recalls her connection to Spirit when she was a young child. She lovingly remembers her Guardian Angel, who called herself Betty, and later revealed her identity as the Goddess Ishtar. Goddess Ishtar later initiated her work with the rest of the Ascended Masters
In the interim, Dawn has shared literally thousands of hours of brilliant presentations from the Ascended Realms, featuring countless Guides and Ascended Masters. The presentations offer wisdom, humor, healing vibrations and give hope for a grand future that is unfolding in loving and miraculous ways. Many of Dawn's clients have been enjoying her work for decades and attest to the consistency, clarity and compassion which is shared in every presentation.
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