Open Channel Resources and
Full Trance Channel Dawn Katar
An Evening of Channeling from The Ascended Realms
Ascended Lady Master Quan Yin
Upper Heart Chakra: Beyond Emotions
February 2, 2016
7:00-8:45 pm
We will be offered an energy bath with the Turquoise/Teal Ray and Lady Master Quan Yin will discuss how we can heal more deeply and open the Upper Heart Chakra to bring more love to our world.
Beloved Quan Yin will share the attributes and qualities we may seek within to move beyond the emotional bonds of love to experience and express the Infinite Love which has no conditions or expectations. She will also discuss the physical signs and symptoms of both a closed or limited flow of energy in this connecting center, as well as the symptoms we may experience as we are each opening to more and more of the Ascension flow of Light.
Location: Storm Wisdom
3375 E Shea Blvd., Suite A-1
Phoenix, Arizona 85028
First building east of SR 51 at Shea Exit
Tuition $20
Payable at the Door or
Prepayment in advance by
debit/credit card or Paypal
at the link below
RSVP requested
[email protected]
or phone 602-690-7660