Open Channel Resources
Full-trance Channel Dawn Katar
"Opalescent Pearl of the Heart:
Connecting with your Interdimensional Oversoul"
Held Online on Zoom
Saturday May 30, 2020
We thank you for your participation and we hope it was healing and inspiring for your as it was for us. Here are some of the highlights for your review and enjoyment.
This is your private group page, for those who attended our event. Just save the link that was in the email and return as often as you like.
Look for other events and information from Dawn by staying connected with her Point of Peace Messages or visit her on Facebook:
Sponsored by the 12 Cosmic Archangels
Ascended Lady Master Mary of Magdala
Ascended Master Maitreya and other Cosmic Teachers
What is the Opalescent Ray?
This Ray is a merging of the first twelve rays of light and transmitted through The Cosmic Pearl in the Heart Chakra of your Cosmic Body.
What is the Oversoul?
As you come to know the purpose of your ‘lower’ earthly bodies and the Etheric, Causal, Atmac and Monadic Bodies, you will gain clearer understanding of the true Oversoul which is where your I Am Presence becomes unified with your Cosmic Self.
Review attachment with email for more complete explanations
Our Retreat experience included:
Plentiful Channeled Discourse from Numerous Ascended Masters,
along with Group Dialogue
Guided Meditation
Selected Music to Inspire
Powerful Mantras and Affirmations
Guidance for Self-Empowerment
Reminders of Spiritual and Planetary Purpose
Deepening Remembrance of Equality, Freedom and Peace
The Ascended Masters had a huge energetic plan for our time together, going deeper than ever before into the mysteries of the greater dimensions of our Beings. With Guidance from Dawn and The Ascended Masters, we had an unparalleled opportunity to expand our experience of our full, Divine Presence. The goal and blessing is to bring more and more of the totality of our awareness right here and now to enrich our daily lives, and our world. This is about self-empowerment and realization on a grander scale than we can even fathom at this time.
Plentiful Channeled Discourse from Numerous Ascended Masters,
along with Group Dialogue
Guided Meditation
Selected Music to Inspire
Powerful Mantras and Affirmations
Guidance for Self-Empowerment
Reminders of Spiritual and Planetary Purpose
Deepening Remembrance of Equality, Freedom and Peace
The Ascended Masters had a huge energetic plan for our time together, going deeper than ever before into the mysteries of the greater dimensions of our Beings. With Guidance from Dawn and The Ascended Masters, we had an unparalleled opportunity to expand our experience of our full, Divine Presence. The goal and blessing is to bring more and more of the totality of our awareness right here and now to enrich our daily lives, and our world. This is about self-empowerment and realization on a grander scale than we can even fathom at this time.
You Entered the Etheric Temple
Dawn has been leading intensive retreats with the Ascended Masters for over 30 years. Words cannot describe the depth of feeling and connection that are easily reached in these experiences which are overseen and Guided by the Ascended Realms. You hope you felt as if you stepped out of time and into the Ancient Etheric Temple.
Dawn has been leading intensive retreats with the Ascended Masters for over 30 years. Words cannot describe the depth of feeling and connection that are easily reached in these experiences which are overseen and Guided by the Ascended Realms. You hope you felt as if you stepped out of time and into the Ancient Etheric Temple.
The Special Significance of This Event
Our program energetically merged all the blessing and meditation work of the previous Retreats from Dawn and the Masters, especially that of the last 7 years. It culminated in the gift of our Opalescent Pearl which we will each meditate upon and develop for the benefit of our Higher Work on this plane and beyond, in our own unique ways.
Highlights of the Music We Shared
(Note: "Empty Hands" written and performed by Danial Nahmod
Memorable Channeled Messages from Dawn
and The Ascended Masters
Master Tsen Tsing, of The Council
Mary of Magdala
Ascended Master Krishnamurti
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Archangel Metatron
Ascended Master Jeshua ben Joseph
Ascended Master Goddess Kwan Yin
Bishop of the Intergalactic Federation and Seth
Lady Master Sylvia Empress of Lemuria
Let There Be (More) Light
Enjoy working with your Opalescent Pearl centered and merged within your heart-chakra. As you become more conscious of the expanded abilities that come with this magnificent creation, you will step more fully into your own creative center and have more and more joy in how you are able to positively and magnificently contribute to the unfoldment and discovery of Heaven on Earth, right here, right now.
Dawn, Darryl and The Ascended Realms
About Dawn Katar
Dawn is a truly gifted, full-trance channel for The Ascended Realms. With nearly 50 years of experience, countless presentations and private consultations, Dawn's consistency and clarity have been nothing short of astonishing.
Dawn first recalls her connection to Spirit when she was a young child. Her public work began in her early twenties and the scope of the Masters messages of Peace and Ascension has evolved exponentially as They have Guided us to understand the magnitude of the transformational opportunities available to us all and the planet Earth at this time in history.
Her unique channeling style enables the Masters to present very full and fascinating personalities as they deliver their presentations. Some of her most prominent Teachers include, Ascended Master Saint Germain, Master Tsen Tsing of the Council, Archangel Michael, Goddess Quan Yin, Goddess Ariana and many, many others. The Masters' presentations are always uplifting, inspiring as well as filled with wisdom and hope for the raising of human consciousness as we head into the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of Ascension.
Dawn is a truly gifted, full-trance channel for The Ascended Realms. With nearly 50 years of experience, countless presentations and private consultations, Dawn's consistency and clarity have been nothing short of astonishing.
Dawn first recalls her connection to Spirit when she was a young child. Her public work began in her early twenties and the scope of the Masters messages of Peace and Ascension has evolved exponentially as They have Guided us to understand the magnitude of the transformational opportunities available to us all and the planet Earth at this time in history.
Her unique channeling style enables the Masters to present very full and fascinating personalities as they deliver their presentations. Some of her most prominent Teachers include, Ascended Master Saint Germain, Master Tsen Tsing of the Council, Archangel Michael, Goddess Quan Yin, Goddess Ariana and many, many others. The Masters' presentations are always uplifting, inspiring as well as filled with wisdom and hope for the raising of human consciousness as we head into the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of Ascension.
Your Hosts Were
Darryl Schoenstadt and Dawn Katar
From the beginning of time, Spirit has provided Messengers who were trained and initiated to receive and transmit frequencies of Higher Consciousness for growth and transformation of the Planet. Dawn and Darryl have spent over 30 years together and many lifetimes training to be of service to Spirit, Mankind and one another in this way.
Darryl has been a practitioner and student of the Ascended Masters Teachings for 40 years. His mastery is in the use and practice of intuition, empathy and vision. Since a spontaneous initiation in 1980, he has been aware of and held the vision of a Higher Essence of Life on Earth. His training has been to help him understand and share about the kind of working relationships that will be necessary for mankind to move into life as Souls in Union. He has assisted Dawn and The Masters at all of their classes and Retreats and provides humor, insight and facilitation to the group.
Darryl Schoenstadt and Dawn Katar
From the beginning of time, Spirit has provided Messengers who were trained and initiated to receive and transmit frequencies of Higher Consciousness for growth and transformation of the Planet. Dawn and Darryl have spent over 30 years together and many lifetimes training to be of service to Spirit, Mankind and one another in this way.
Darryl has been a practitioner and student of the Ascended Masters Teachings for 40 years. His mastery is in the use and practice of intuition, empathy and vision. Since a spontaneous initiation in 1980, he has been aware of and held the vision of a Higher Essence of Life on Earth. His training has been to help him understand and share about the kind of working relationships that will be necessary for mankind to move into life as Souls in Union. He has assisted Dawn and The Masters at all of their classes and Retreats and provides humor, insight and facilitation to the group.