Dawn and The Ascended Masters are pleased to present a rarely offered training in the use and development of your spiritual tools.
Deepen and enhance your ability to tune-in to your
spiritual guidance in the ways which
match your personal strengths and gifts.
Dawn Katar is offering a rare opportunity to study with her & Spirit
in a 4-Week Intensive designed to assist and expand
4-Week Intensive Training
in a 4-Week Intensive designed to assist and expand
4-Week Intensive Training
- Have you wanted to get clear with your communication with your Guidance?
- Do you feel ready to launch another phase of your life purpose?
- Would you like to learn from one of the world’s great channels with over 45 years of experience?
- We will discuss your Primary Spiritual Gifts of Communication and Perception and how these can be enhanced to deepen your inner communication with Spirit and improve communication with people around you. You will be given a Personal Profile which outlines your line-up of these Gifts and offers an introduction to some of your angelic team.
- We will practice methods of clearing and centering for clarity in building trust for your wisdom and the messages of your angelic team.
- We will discuss and practice the purpose of some of the wonderful Ascension Tools that have been given to us by the Archangels and Ascended Masters, such as, Blue Sword of Truth from Ariana and Archangel Michael, Violet Flame of Transmutation, Prism of Light from Archangel Metatron, Blessing & Forgiving from Tsen Tsing…and more.
- We will deepen your channeling of Spirit Wisdom by using more techniques for opening your clear and perfect channel of Divine Light.
Saturdays October 2018
Oct 6th, Oct 13th, Oct 20th, Oct 27th
9am – 12:30pm
$225.00 (includes a personal Profile of your Gifts & Guidance Team)
Tuition must be prepaid by September 29th.
All four classes must be attended for the benefit of the program.
Oct 6th, Oct 13th, Oct 20th, Oct 27th
9am – 12:30pm
$225.00 (includes a personal Profile of your Gifts & Guidance Team)
Tuition must be prepaid by September 29th.
All four classes must be attended for the benefit of the program.

Dawn Katar is a truly gifted, full-trance channel for The Ascended Realms. With over 40 years of experience, countless presentations and private consultations, Dawn's consistency and clarity have been proven to be astounding. Dawn first recalls her connection to Spirit when she was a young child. She lovingly remembers her Guardian Angel, who called herself Betty, and later revealed her identity as the Goddess Ishtar. Goddess Ishtar later initiated her work with the rest of the Ascended Masters.
Dawn's early training included work with the Inner Peace Movement or IPM, where she learned about techniques for clearing, cleansing and discerning the vibrations of the Beings she would eventually channel. This training was invaluable as she learned to differentiate between Ascended Masters, Archangels, Extraterrestrial Beings of Light, as well as to serve souls who are no longer incarnate, but who required assistance in finding the Light and moving on with their journeys.
Dawn's unique channeling style enables the Masters to present very full and fascinating personalities as they deliver their presentations. Some of her most prominent Teachers include, Saint Germain, Master Tsen Tsing of the Council, Archangel Michael, Goddess Quan Yin, Goddess Ariana and many, many others. The Masters' presentations are always uplifting, inspiring as well as filled with wisdom and hope for the raising of consciousness on Planet Earth as we head toward the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of Ascension.
Dawn's early training included work with the Inner Peace Movement or IPM, where she learned about techniques for clearing, cleansing and discerning the vibrations of the Beings she would eventually channel. This training was invaluable as she learned to differentiate between Ascended Masters, Archangels, Extraterrestrial Beings of Light, as well as to serve souls who are no longer incarnate, but who required assistance in finding the Light and moving on with their journeys.
Dawn's unique channeling style enables the Masters to present very full and fascinating personalities as they deliver their presentations. Some of her most prominent Teachers include, Saint Germain, Master Tsen Tsing of the Council, Archangel Michael, Goddess Quan Yin, Goddess Ariana and many, many others. The Masters' presentations are always uplifting, inspiring as well as filled with wisdom and hope for the raising of consciousness on Planet Earth as we head toward the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of Ascension.