A Special Message from Ascended Master Lord Lanto, of the Brotherhood of Light

We welcome you to listen to this message from Lord Lanto, as channeled by Dawn Katar on March 17, 2013. We hope you enjoy His warmth, wisdom and the depth of His promise that something magical is unfolding with the energies of the Cities of Light. His message also promises that all of us will be more deeply reunited and connected with our Twin Flames, whether in or out of human physicality at this time.
We believe everyone may participate in these energies simply by being alive at this time, yet with conscious awareness of the unfolding process and the willingness to energetically participate, we can rapidly expand our experience of this Light within ourselves and our world. What a grand time. If you decide to considering joining us for the Retreat, please review the information below and contact us at your earliest convenience for more details. The Ascended Master Guided Retreats are joyful, uplifting, healing and inspiring and will produce a treasure of grand friends, memories and deeply enhanced awareness of your connection with the Divine Light of All That is. Our Love, Blessings and Thanks for your time
Please click the YouTube Video link just below to listen
We believe everyone may participate in these energies simply by being alive at this time, yet with conscious awareness of the unfolding process and the willingness to energetically participate, we can rapidly expand our experience of this Light within ourselves and our world. What a grand time. If you decide to considering joining us for the Retreat, please review the information below and contact us at your earliest convenience for more details. The Ascended Master Guided Retreats are joyful, uplifting, healing and inspiring and will produce a treasure of grand friends, memories and deeply enhanced awareness of your connection with the Divine Light of All That is. Our Love, Blessings and Thanks for your time
Please click the YouTube Video link just below to listen
Grand Teton – Building The Cities of Light
An Intensive Retreat
Sacred Retreat of Ascended Master Lord Lanto
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
June 13-16, 2013 (Thu - Sun)

The Grand Teton area is one of the most beautiful and sacred places in the United States, and is a playground for the Ascended Masters. We have held retreats here in past years and they were spectacular. Now we are delighted to be asked by Spirit to organize another gathering in these wondrous energies.
This weekend is sponsored by Lord Lanto, Saint Germain, Metatron, Tsen Tsing of the Council, Quan Yin and others who invite you to participate in a weekend of powerful creation.
They share these words with us -
This weekend is sponsored by Lord Lanto, Saint Germain, Metatron, Tsen Tsing of the Council, Quan Yin and others who invite you to participate in a weekend of powerful creation.
They share these words with us -
In the Masters Words

"As you have been building your Merkabah, we are guiding the building (precipitation) of the Cities of Light around the planet.
Faster than ever, in more instantaneous recognition, all are awakening into the New Age with greater access to the Divine Source. Although we, your Ascended Teachers, have sponsored these past years with tools for clearing the debris of non-functional beliefs, this retreat is more about aligning with one another in deeper communication, with memories of Source, and is about using the cleared 'space’ as the foundation for creating heart’s desire in all dimensions. As further debris is recognized, we shall use the Violet Flame of Transmutation in its most powerful and potent purging process, freeing ever more energy of the Divine Golden White Light for your conscious creation.
We welcome you as our equal in every way. We acknowledge your graduation from Chela to Master."
Faster than ever, in more instantaneous recognition, all are awakening into the New Age with greater access to the Divine Source. Although we, your Ascended Teachers, have sponsored these past years with tools for clearing the debris of non-functional beliefs, this retreat is more about aligning with one another in deeper communication, with memories of Source, and is about using the cleared 'space’ as the foundation for creating heart’s desire in all dimensions. As further debris is recognized, we shall use the Violet Flame of Transmutation in its most powerful and potent purging process, freeing ever more energy of the Divine Golden White Light for your conscious creation.
We welcome you as our equal in every way. We acknowledge your graduation from Chela to Master."

Processes of Precipitation and Manifestation
During this gathering of the Community of Light, there will be new processes shared and demonstration of the precipitation or manifestation of intention as facilitated by Archangel Metatron.
During this gathering of the Community of Light, there will be new processes shared and demonstration of the precipitation or manifestation of intention as facilitated by Archangel Metatron.

Sacred Teachings Reveal and Marriage of Twins
Lord Lanto is excited to reveal teaching from this sacred retreat site to elevate us all into Union. There will be sacred marriages performed with Twins. He shares that whether Twin is on or off planet, it is time to re-merge.
Lord Lanto is excited to reveal teaching from this sacred retreat site to elevate us all into Union. There will be sacred marriages performed with Twins. He shares that whether Twin is on or off planet, it is time to re-merge.

Empowerment of the Rays of Compassion
Quan Yin delights in sharing more of her rays of compassion and gentle empowerment such as the Lavender Ray and the Turquoise Ray.
Quan Yin delights in sharing more of her rays of compassion and gentle empowerment such as the Lavender Ray and the Turquoise Ray.

Expanding the Power of the Violet Flame
Saint Germain will bring forth even higher frequencies of the Violet Flame for instantaneous transmutation through our mastery.
Saint Germain will bring forth even higher frequencies of the Violet Flame for instantaneous transmutation through our mastery.

Teachings from the Cosmic Buddha
Master Tsen Tsing promises to review teachings from the Cosmic Buddha in order to assist us place ourselves in the mirror of Oneness with every breath.
Master Tsen Tsing promises to review teachings from the Cosmic Buddha in order to assist us place ourselves in the mirror of Oneness with every breath.
Deepen Your Experience of the Majesty of This Divine Garden

We will share time in the playground of the Masters at Jenny Lake and in "Dawn Katar’s Meadow" where we will be guided into Table Mountain, wherein is kept treasures of Earth in material and etheric form, as well as maps of the Cities of Lights.
A Message From Dawn Katar:

My friends in Light,
The Shift is with us. The Ascension is ours to receive and experience. Let’s gather to strengthen our consciousness and support one another in Building the Cities of Light as we develop and nurture the increasing awareness which is unfolding.
We need to expand our conversation to include the following idea.. "If Peace breaks out tomorrow, how will we sustain the life we are given to share on this planet...or anywhere?" What will be our tools of support and encouragement. How will we recognize our advancing Divine Presence and what will our roles be in our Community of Light.
If you feel the call and resonance with this event, please contact us to make your committment at your earliest convenience. This will greatly aid in setting the energies for your experience to be full, exciting and joyful. Join others of like mind and Spirit who are ready to unleash their greatest potential and live the Ascension Now.
With Love and Great Blessings,
Dawn Katar
The Shift is with us. The Ascension is ours to receive and experience. Let’s gather to strengthen our consciousness and support one another in Building the Cities of Light as we develop and nurture the increasing awareness which is unfolding.
We need to expand our conversation to include the following idea.. "If Peace breaks out tomorrow, how will we sustain the life we are given to share on this planet...or anywhere?" What will be our tools of support and encouragement. How will we recognize our advancing Divine Presence and what will our roles be in our Community of Light.
If you feel the call and resonance with this event, please contact us to make your committment at your earliest convenience. This will greatly aid in setting the energies for your experience to be full, exciting and joyful. Join others of like mind and Spirit who are ready to unleash their greatest potential and live the Ascension Now.
With Love and Great Blessings,
Dawn Katar
A Special Message from Saint Germain, as channeled by Dawn Katar
Tuition: $425 per person ($800 per couple)
EARLY Tuition: If fully prepaid by March 21
$350 per person ($650 per couple)
Minimum Deposit: $150 due by May 1st ($300 per couple)
Due to scheduling of event space, No Deposit Refunds after May 1st.
Tuition Includes: Thursday Dinner, Friday Lunch and Saturday Dinner
Transportation and Lodging are not included. We have reserved a block of rooms at the our retreat location, Cowboy Village. You are also free to check alternative lodging so long as you can commit to showing up for our schedule of events on time. Plenty of time will be given for breaks and between events. We will not be able to wait, however, for those who do not arrive on time.
Lodging: Our retreat is located in the heart of Jackson and is only a short drive to the Grand Teton National Park, which we will be visiting during the retreat weekend. We have held two other retreats at this location and everyone found it to be a wonderful experience! The meeting room is private, cozy and perfect for this type of work.
Driving to and from special retreat locations will be done 'car-pool' style using available participant vehicles. As this eent is held in the Spirit of Community, all will be asked to share as is possible to minimize the stress on the few. Please be sure your vehicle is insured.
For Lodging Reservations and Questions Contact:
Cowboy Village Resort (click this link for their website).
120 S Flat Creek Dr Jackson, Wyoming 83001 307-733-3121
Approximate Room Rates: $156-194+tax/double (Rates vary depending on size and amenities). This comes out to approx. $255-321 per person in a shared room for 3 nights. We have reserved a block of rooms at favorable rates under the name of Dawn Katar and Open Channel Resources. We suggest you make your reservations at your earliest convenience.
Also, we would be happy to assist in connecting folks who would like to share lodging. Email us to let us know of your interest in sharing and we will do our best to accommodate based on who else in the group expresses the same interest.
Individuals needing special payment arrangements other than those listed below will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Please contact Darryl at [email protected] .
EARLY Tuition: If fully prepaid by March 21
$350 per person ($650 per couple)
Minimum Deposit: $150 due by May 1st ($300 per couple)
Due to scheduling of event space, No Deposit Refunds after May 1st.
Tuition Includes: Thursday Dinner, Friday Lunch and Saturday Dinner
Transportation and Lodging are not included. We have reserved a block of rooms at the our retreat location, Cowboy Village. You are also free to check alternative lodging so long as you can commit to showing up for our schedule of events on time. Plenty of time will be given for breaks and between events. We will not be able to wait, however, for those who do not arrive on time.
Lodging: Our retreat is located in the heart of Jackson and is only a short drive to the Grand Teton National Park, which we will be visiting during the retreat weekend. We have held two other retreats at this location and everyone found it to be a wonderful experience! The meeting room is private, cozy and perfect for this type of work.
Driving to and from special retreat locations will be done 'car-pool' style using available participant vehicles. As this eent is held in the Spirit of Community, all will be asked to share as is possible to minimize the stress on the few. Please be sure your vehicle is insured.
For Lodging Reservations and Questions Contact:
Cowboy Village Resort (click this link for their website).
120 S Flat Creek Dr Jackson, Wyoming 83001 307-733-3121
Approximate Room Rates: $156-194+tax/double (Rates vary depending on size and amenities). This comes out to approx. $255-321 per person in a shared room for 3 nights. We have reserved a block of rooms at favorable rates under the name of Dawn Katar and Open Channel Resources. We suggest you make your reservations at your earliest convenience.
Also, we would be happy to assist in connecting folks who would like to share lodging. Email us to let us know of your interest in sharing and we will do our best to accommodate based on who else in the group expresses the same interest.
Individuals needing special payment arrangements other than those listed below will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Please contact Darryl at [email protected] .