Wake Up and Dream Mini-Retreat
Group Page
Event was held Friday-Saturday May 13th & 14th, 2016
at Asfaleia Spiritual Center
Scottsdale, Arizona
Sponsored by and presenting:
Archangels Michael, Metatron and Zadkiel, along with
Ascended Masters Tsen Tsing of the Council & Saint Germain
We had messages from our Angelic and Master sponsors who led us to a depth of newly available tones and transmissions of Light/Sound.
We were guided to dimensions of Love where we were comfortably coached into a new level of ‘waking’ in order to assimilate the dream of our Creator.
We met our Ascended Ancestors for assurance that our inner work is merged with the great Divine Plan.
It was our intention that our time together was deeply healing on every level as the doorway to the Higher Realms was opened wider than ever before. We feel our lives were truly transformed in the pure Presence of our Creator Source which was brought forward in profoundly powerful ways.
Group Page
Event was held Friday-Saturday May 13th & 14th, 2016
at Asfaleia Spiritual Center
Scottsdale, Arizona
Sponsored by and presenting:
Archangels Michael, Metatron and Zadkiel, along with
Ascended Masters Tsen Tsing of the Council & Saint Germain
We had messages from our Angelic and Master sponsors who led us to a depth of newly available tones and transmissions of Light/Sound.
We were guided to dimensions of Love where we were comfortably coached into a new level of ‘waking’ in order to assimilate the dream of our Creator.
We met our Ascended Ancestors for assurance that our inner work is merged with the great Divine Plan.
It was our intention that our time together was deeply healing on every level as the doorway to the Higher Realms was opened wider than ever before. We feel our lives were truly transformed in the pure Presence of our Creator Source which was brought forward in profoundly powerful ways.
Ascended Master Presentations
We are very pleased to present the recordings of the major presentations from the Retreat. We hope you'll enjoy listening to them again and that you will find even greater depth, insight and healing from each one of them. Also we hope you'll enjoy Jame's (Yamos) flute presentation in #5, which is a reminder of the Ancient Ancestors meditation.
We are very pleased to present the recordings of the major presentations from the Retreat. We hope you'll enjoy listening to them again and that you will find even greater depth, insight and healing from each one of them. Also we hope you'll enjoy Jame's (Yamos) flute presentation in #5, which is a reminder of the Ancient Ancestors meditation.
Retreat Music and Special References
Here are some features from the gathering, including music, references, group pictures and some channeled highlights (comings soon). We hope you'll enjoy re-experiencing these capsules of our time together and continue the expansion in ever greater joy and peace.
Note: If you like the music and other references, you can explore them more fully in the accompanying videos on Youtube, or on the artists websites.
Here is the clip from the Albert Brooks, "Defending Your Life" scene with Meryl Streep and Shirley McLaine, which we discussed. The whole movie can be viewed for on Youtube, as well as other highlights.
Also just below:
Ted Neeley performing the Gethsemane song from "Jesus Christ Superstar". Note, Ted was the actor in the original movie as a young man in the '70s. He has performed the play thousands of times since then. On the night of this performance in 2006, he had had some trouble with his voice and the cast was really pulling for him. It's very moving. Dawn included this reference because of the Jeshua's disappointment in finding his Apostles asleep while He longed for their waking presence in his moment of need.
Roy Orbison's "Beautiful Dreamer"
Daniel Nahmod's "Why Wait"
Tom Kenyon-"Song of the New Earth"-Trailer
(Tom is a great channel for the Hathors and a voice master
who chants and tones to assist with raising frequencies)
Pharrell Williams 'Happy'
Vermillion's recommendation of Harry Nilssen's 'The Point'-full feature