"Our Bounty of Blessings"
An Intensive Retreat with
Dawn Katar and The Ascended Masters
Thursday through Sunday
November 19-22, 2015
Sedona Mago Retreat Center
Sedona, Arizona
An Intensive Retreat with
Dawn Katar and The Ascended Masters
Thursday through Sunday
November 19-22, 2015
Sedona Mago Retreat Center
Sedona, Arizona

A Message from The Ascended Masters
"Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
We invite you to our harvest of sacred riches. There is a purpose that is unfolding rapidly as the 3rd dimensional reality shifts. For those who have chosen to continually vibrate into 5th dimensional frequencies, the harvest will be experienced like never before. What 3rd dimension has focused on as rich and bountiful has served humanity yet is of little value in the New Earth. Whatever is convenient for fulfillment of chosen tasks will flow with ease. And the tasks will shift to more bountiful opportunities. What gifts of Spirit have you received? What are you willing to continue opening to receive? All that has been promised is now laid before you. We will show you how to manifest in joy and without struggle. Such is the Bounty of Blessings
· Come gather to our Sanctuary of Grace.
· Proclaim your Freedom from limitations.
· Go deeper into the Earth’s highest dimensions and drink from the well which has been
· Wonder and gleefully resonate to your new relationship with the circulation and flow of
Divine Frequencies.
· Feast on all that is prepared for you.
We again invite you to co-create a retreat to delight all your senses in every dimension,
Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Tsen Tsing of the Council, Archangel Metatron and the Three Goddesses of Abundance (Lakshmi, Copia & Danu)
"Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
We invite you to our harvest of sacred riches. There is a purpose that is unfolding rapidly as the 3rd dimensional reality shifts. For those who have chosen to continually vibrate into 5th dimensional frequencies, the harvest will be experienced like never before. What 3rd dimension has focused on as rich and bountiful has served humanity yet is of little value in the New Earth. Whatever is convenient for fulfillment of chosen tasks will flow with ease. And the tasks will shift to more bountiful opportunities. What gifts of Spirit have you received? What are you willing to continue opening to receive? All that has been promised is now laid before you. We will show you how to manifest in joy and without struggle. Such is the Bounty of Blessings
· Come gather to our Sanctuary of Grace.
· Proclaim your Freedom from limitations.
· Go deeper into the Earth’s highest dimensions and drink from the well which has been
· Wonder and gleefully resonate to your new relationship with the circulation and flow of
Divine Frequencies.
· Feast on all that is prepared for you.
We again invite you to co-create a retreat to delight all your senses in every dimension,
Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Tsen Tsing of the Council, Archangel Metatron and the Three Goddesses of Abundance (Lakshmi, Copia & Danu)

Your Hosts: Dawn and Darryl
You are invited to experience and share an incredible expansion of our Divine I AM Presence. In recognition of the exponential increase of Divine Energy now permeating and transforming our planet, the Ascended Masters have planned an amazing weekend of expansion and initiation.
Facilitated and channeled by Dawn Katar, who has been a dedicated and astoundingly clear channel for the Ascended Realms for over 40 years. Together with husband and Twin Flame Darryl Schoenstadt, a student of the Masters for over 30 years, Dawn and our Guides will open doorways for the energies of the Highest Realms to flow freely into our experience where we can feel greater peace, wholeness and connection while further sharpening, awakening and enhancing our spiritual gifts.
Dawn and Darryl have been facilitating deep and enriching Retreats at the request of the Ascended Masters for nearly 25 years. There is an indescribable feeling of love and enlightenment that accompanies each experience as the attendees are always individuals who are open in heart and mind. Together, we all provide Spirit with an incredible vessel through which It may flow and work It's 'miraculous magic' in greater measure with each meeting. Spirit clearly has had a Plan to help us awaken and unfold our gifts and each Retreat has built upon the many before. Without a doubt, the energies are now massive in comparison to anything we have previously experienced and yet the greater the energies, the smoother, warmer and more loving the experience becomes for us all.
You are invited to experience and share an incredible expansion of our Divine I AM Presence. In recognition of the exponential increase of Divine Energy now permeating and transforming our planet, the Ascended Masters have planned an amazing weekend of expansion and initiation.
Facilitated and channeled by Dawn Katar, who has been a dedicated and astoundingly clear channel for the Ascended Realms for over 40 years. Together with husband and Twin Flame Darryl Schoenstadt, a student of the Masters for over 30 years, Dawn and our Guides will open doorways for the energies of the Highest Realms to flow freely into our experience where we can feel greater peace, wholeness and connection while further sharpening, awakening and enhancing our spiritual gifts.
Dawn and Darryl have been facilitating deep and enriching Retreats at the request of the Ascended Masters for nearly 25 years. There is an indescribable feeling of love and enlightenment that accompanies each experience as the attendees are always individuals who are open in heart and mind. Together, we all provide Spirit with an incredible vessel through which It may flow and work It's 'miraculous magic' in greater measure with each meeting. Spirit clearly has had a Plan to help us awaken and unfold our gifts and each Retreat has built upon the many before. Without a doubt, the energies are now massive in comparison to anything we have previously experienced and yet the greater the energies, the smoother, warmer and more loving the experience becomes for us all.

According to the Masters, these are some of the ways you will RAISE your frequency:
- Remember how your individuality serves Oneness
- Attune to the archetype of your personal blueprint
- Inspire others to be facilitators of Light
- Stabilize the physical, mental and emotional bodies so that they act in accordance with Source
- Envelope yourself in the comfort and Presence of Divine Love
Here is some feedback we have received from participants at previous Retreats with Dawn and The Masters:
“There were so many highlights, but the one that was really profound for me was the expanded experience that I had when you were playing the Gayatri Mantra. That has totally changed my life! I can't stop thinking about it and I have shared it with many people. All the different healings and exercises that we did really shifted me "big time". I loved this one so much, that I wouldn't have changed a thing! .I know you've heard it a million times before from me, but you did a great job and I always appreciate all the effort you put into the retreats...this one was really special and we all felt it! I love you dearly”
Wendy K
“Unity and big shifts. Better than before when it was very good.
All facilities rate a 10. It was near perfection.”
Robert K
“I've had much to ponder from this retreat and feel so privileged and grateful for having had the opportunity to follow my impulse to attend.
It's been difficult to describe to my friends what transpired in Jackson. The only thing I've been able to say is how optimistic I am for this extraordinary time! Thank you for all your efforts, professionalism and compassion. I very much look forward to seeing you at the next retreat.”
Jnell S
“Thank you both for the amazing opportunity and learning process that I have experienced in Sedona with you both, the new friends and The Masters. It was incredible. Blessings and thank you so much!!!”
Milla Q
“This was my first retreat and it was enlightening, awakening and stimulating. I was thrilled to share this weekend with all the wonderful people I met. Dawn’s channeling is spell-binding as I listened to the Masters and I felt such a strong connection to the messages I received.
The clearing I received over the weekend has been life changing and expanding, and I truly found a new, enhanced sense of inner peace and joy. I am so grateful for meeting both of you. Thank you Dawn for your loving gift of bringing messages from the Masters and Darryl, for your insights and support. I now read your daily Point of Peace Messages with a broader understanding and knowledge. I am so appreciative of this Retreat and how it changed my life.”
Barbara G
“There were so many highlights, but the one that was really profound for me was the expanded experience that I had when you were playing the Gayatri Mantra. That has totally changed my life! I can't stop thinking about it and I have shared it with many people. All the different healings and exercises that we did really shifted me "big time". I loved this one so much, that I wouldn't have changed a thing! .I know you've heard it a million times before from me, but you did a great job and I always appreciate all the effort you put into the retreats...this one was really special and we all felt it! I love you dearly”
Wendy K
“Unity and big shifts. Better than before when it was very good.
All facilities rate a 10. It was near perfection.”
Robert K
“I've had much to ponder from this retreat and feel so privileged and grateful for having had the opportunity to follow my impulse to attend.
It's been difficult to describe to my friends what transpired in Jackson. The only thing I've been able to say is how optimistic I am for this extraordinary time! Thank you for all your efforts, professionalism and compassion. I very much look forward to seeing you at the next retreat.”
Jnell S
“Thank you both for the amazing opportunity and learning process that I have experienced in Sedona with you both, the new friends and The Masters. It was incredible. Blessings and thank you so much!!!”
Milla Q
“This was my first retreat and it was enlightening, awakening and stimulating. I was thrilled to share this weekend with all the wonderful people I met. Dawn’s channeling is spell-binding as I listened to the Masters and I felt such a strong connection to the messages I received.
The clearing I received over the weekend has been life changing and expanding, and I truly found a new, enhanced sense of inner peace and joy. I am so grateful for meeting both of you. Thank you Dawn for your loving gift of bringing messages from the Masters and Darryl, for your insights and support. I now read your daily Point of Peace Messages with a broader understanding and knowledge. I am so appreciative of this Retreat and how it changed my life.”
Barbara G
Our Retreat Location: The Sedona Mago Retreat Center
Our gathering will be held in one of the most beautiful and highly charged sacred places in the United States – the Sedona Arizona area, which is known throughout the world for it's 'Vortexes' (places of high energy or meridian points where the energies flowing through the Earth are particularly pronounced.
Evidence has shown that for thousands of years, many Native Americans have claimed this place as a retreat center for their tribal and clan gatherings. We have been led to an amazing 160 acre retreat center near the red rocks of Sedona, known as Sedona Mago Retreat Center, which is prepared to receive our group with grace and respect. The staff, location, hospitality, good food and beautiful land has served our groups very well on several occasions.
The Sedona Mago Retreat Center has a serene lake, meditation rock gardens and hiking trails, as well as a swimming pool and Jacuzzi. Our accommodations are comfortable Casitas and rooms with air conditioning/heating units, a mini-fridge and full bathrooms. Food is included and will be sumptuous, pesco-vegetarian specialties - healthy and delicious.
Come and allow the energy that is offered in the lands we will walk upon and play in to assist you in activating your next phase of Soul Evolution.
Our Meeting Room-The HSP

Financial Commitment
Tuition (before discount(s): $725.00 per person, double occupancy, which includes 3 nights lodging at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, and 9 delicious meals, beginning with Thursday November 19 dinner through Sunday November 22 lunch.
Note: For private room add $150 to this cost.
Deposit of $350/person is requested as soon as possible and becomes non-refundable by October 22. Balances are due by November 1, but must be paid in full by October 15 to receive discounts*.
*Early Bird Special
Fees are reduced $50.00 per person for full payment received by October 22.
Couples discount is $50.00/couple.
Maximum fee reduction for couple paying in full by October 22 is $150.00, which includes Early Bird Discount. Couples paying in full after October 22, reduce fee by $50.00 total.
If you are participating or hope to but are not yet sure, please fill out and submit the Registration Form just below. "Click the Register link" if you are ready to make your financial commitment.
Please contact us at [email protected] or phone Darryl at 602-690-7660 with any questions that arise.
To Register, Please click this link
More details will be sent upon your registration, including transportation recommendations from Phoenix and other locations as needed.
Tuition (before discount(s): $725.00 per person, double occupancy, which includes 3 nights lodging at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, and 9 delicious meals, beginning with Thursday November 19 dinner through Sunday November 22 lunch.
Note: For private room add $150 to this cost.
Deposit of $350/person is requested as soon as possible and becomes non-refundable by October 22. Balances are due by November 1, but must be paid in full by October 15 to receive discounts*.
*Early Bird Special
Fees are reduced $50.00 per person for full payment received by October 22.
Couples discount is $50.00/couple.
Maximum fee reduction for couple paying in full by October 22 is $150.00, which includes Early Bird Discount. Couples paying in full after October 22, reduce fee by $50.00 total.
If you are participating or hope to but are not yet sure, please fill out and submit the Registration Form just below. "Click the Register link" if you are ready to make your financial commitment.
Please contact us at [email protected] or phone Darryl at 602-690-7660 with any questions that arise.
To Register, Please click this link
More details will be sent upon your registration, including transportation recommendations from Phoenix and other locations as needed.