Services from Dawn Katar & the Ascended Masters

* Ascension Process Training with the Ascended Masters through Discourse and Intensive Retreats
* Private Sessions by phone with Dawn Katar & the Ascended Masters
* Radiance Healing with Dawn Katar & Darryl
* CDs and Downloads of Presentations from The Ascended Masters
* Free, daily email subscription: "Point of Peace Messages from The Ascended Realms", as channeled by Dawn Katar
* A Book of Peace-Dawn's book of Peace Messages from The Ascended Realms
* Tools to Discern, Develop and Expand awareness of the Divine Gifts of Spirit
* Private Sessions by phone with Dawn Katar & the Ascended Masters
* Radiance Healing with Dawn Katar & Darryl
* CDs and Downloads of Presentations from The Ascended Masters
* Free, daily email subscription: "Point of Peace Messages from The Ascended Realms", as channeled by Dawn Katar
* A Book of Peace-Dawn's book of Peace Messages from The Ascended Realms
* Tools to Discern, Develop and Expand awareness of the Divine Gifts of Spirit