Dawn Katar

"Beloved, indeed I AM! So much of your understanding about Ascension comes from religious teachings and dogmas. Even though some of what you believe is outside the traditional religions (such as Ascended Master teachings which were brought forward in the 19th and 20th centuries on Earth). You also are often limited in your scope of understanding because of your reference to a linear time-line.
Much of what we shall discuss here are concepts that must use limited language and will therefore be a confirmation or disruption of thought patterns already in place. As you may know of me, I adore disrupting patterns. Huzzah!
Ascension is at once a process and a moment of being merged in the frequencies of Divinity. Both are true. We have been training humanity to become familiar with the process so as to encourage the discipline and practice of clearing the limited emotional and mental bodies of the dross and excesses accumulated in the Soul's experiences as human - lifetimes upon lifetimes. We have encouraged our brothers and sisters to go deeper and deeper into the core of awareness so that in so merging with the Divine, one would bring more and more of that Light into the physical body and the world. This is the greatest challenge. Yet, in any such moment in which one reaches the merging with Source, there is Ascension. Most often that moment becomes a memory as the density of the body, and its world, pull consciousness into the illusion of separateness.
Ascended Masters are Beings that have completed the Soul need and/or desire to maintain a physical form and that have chosen to serve humanity by their wisdom and Light. Some people believe that there is a small group of Ascended Masters that were revealed through various prophetic messengers and there are a limited number of roles and offices held by Ascended Masters within a hierarchy. It is still held as belief by some that it is a rare and exclusive order. While it is true that there have been roles and offices held by some of the Ascended Masters, these roles have been filled by many over the millennia and indeed, the roles have evolved along with humanity's evolution in consciousness.
Another belief held by some is that Ascension occurs when a 'good' person leaves their human form. While it is true that each human has many options for their Soul's experience upon leaving form, most do not instantly experience complete immersion with Source and most do not experience the level of awareness that we would call Ascension. Depending upon the work of clearing completed while in physical form, as well as the conscious availability to continue clearing upon leaving the form, the Soul will recall its true nature and its purpose. Thus, it will proceed to choose a new expression of that nature and purpose. The personality once held in the form may choose to continue that identity and pursue non-physical life through the astral planes of humanity, or it may re-invent itself through a new and unique body, aka another life on Earth. These are but two of the many options.
While the human personality may be flawed by human standards of assessing the Divine qualities, everyone reading this will agree that no one can know the full measure of another's purpose or another's relationship with All That Is. Also, Souls are not limited to the one expression of life that seems most current to another's memory. When a human leaves embodiment, there is no time and no space. There is infinite opportunity to clear and transmute any and all dross. There is infinite opportunity for the Soul to choose the Ascension into the next highest frequencies available. And if that Soul chooses Ascension, the manner of service to humanity is then chosen. Some will, as do most, radiate frequencies of Love to humanity, 'holding' a Ray of Activity in focus. Some will share Divine perspectives with brothers and sisters on Earth. All will give themselves to humanity's continuing and completed evolution of consciousness.
To reiterate, since a Soul's consciousness evolution is not measured by a stream of lifetimes following a linear perspective, it is possible that another viewing one human life may see only a small fragment of spiritual consciousness as the personality is expressing it. A highly evolved Being may express as a great monk in the 3rd century, as a thief in the 6th century, and as a mother of 10 children in the 12th century and so on...The lifetime that was expressed as a thief in not even close to depicting the entirety of that life's expression. It certainly says nothing about the Soul's connection with the Divine - no matter what the outer personality was doing or not doing.
At this time, we wish to introduce you to several Masters who are now serving humanity that have lived their last linear life in the most recent century. This is not an all-inclusive list. We desire to have you be open to the realms of Spirit and to not 'think' about it SO much.
- Ascended Lady Master Evelyn Underhill
- Ascended Master John of Liverpool (aka John Lennon)
- Ascended Master Albert (aka Albert Einstein)
- Ascended Master Francisco (aka Francisco Coll)
- Ascended Master Edmond L (aka Edmond Locard)
- Ascended Master D.T. (aka D.T. Suzuki)
- Ascended Master Mohandas (aka Mahatma Gandhi)
- Ascended Master Augustine (aka Og Mandino)
- Ascended Master Osho (aka Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)
- Ascended Lady Master Diana (aka Princess of Wales)
We humbly address each of you as Masters. This is because of the many moments in this and other life times that you have experienced Ascension and because of the Souls that you are - already living in the Divine One.
Your friend,
Saint Germain